NO! It is forbidden to create more than one team. 1 person, 1 team, and that's the rule. If you are caught loging into more than one team, you can be considered a cheater!
A: Well, yes he/she can, BUT, you have to report this to our technical support before you create the
second club! And on top of that, you have to be careful about a couple of special rules:
1. There must be absolutely no trading between your teams (that means buying/selling and loaning the
players!). Remember, if you trade players between teams sharing the same IP number (and you do share
the same IP number if playing on the same computer), the access to all the teams involved will be
blocked and the managers considered the cheaters!
2. You cannot help each other by any special means (including but not limited to losing the games on
purpose in order to improve the other team's rating or table position)! You must play like all the other
managers that doesn't know themselves in real life.
A: Well, I would advise against it. And why? Simply because if you guys/gals are playing on the same network, you will (or are already) use the same IP and will be blocked and marked as cheaters. So, it's best not to trade players with managers that are logging in from the same computer/network/building...
A: First of all, fair has a very broad meaning in Dugout. For example. If we let people trade players on
same IP, I would be able to create 5 clubs from my home computer, report them as my
brothers' and sisters' clubs and then trade their best (or at least good) players for a "fair" price (a bit
under estimated value). But would that be fair when the best players are usually going for 2
times (or even more) their value? And to continue on that note... If you trade with your friend, he will
usually give you better price then he would give some unknown manager right? So this is, again, not exactly
fair towards all the others is it? It's simple. There are thousands of clubs available for you to trade
with, so try to stay away from doing business with your friends as you guys are bound to step on the
mine (read will share IP address) somewhere along the line.